Course Lessons
I have a major breathing problem and have never breathed properly , almost always been a mouth-breather. I've even been to pulmonary specialist and they want to do nasal & sinus surgery and gave 3 different inhalers. This simple course has already helped me breathe better than I ever have. I just retired, and slowed down and now can enjoy life more and be more focused.....THANKS!
Teri explained everything so well. I wish she was my biology teacher in college!!! I could visualize everything she spoke about. I enjoyed the lecture very much. Teri helped me jump start my studies.
Teri's teaching was easy to comprehend and retain. I really appreciated her direct approach to each segment. Also, her emphasis on oxygen was a real eye opener for me.
As a Mindfulness Coach and Chakras Expert, I am a wisdom weaver, monkey mind shusher, stress whisperer, happiness amplifier, and negativity crusher.
I help spiritually minded sensitive souls through critical life events and major life changes such as divorce or break-up, grief and loss, career shifts or retirement, caring for a sick loved one, or significant health challenges and body changes.
I have taught over 200,000 students and worked privately with over 2000 clients. With a Master's Degree in Teaching, over 20 years experience in yoga & mindfulness, and a passion for neuroscience and brain & nervous system training, I provide a scientific and practical approach to personal growth teachings.
I help spiritually minded sensitive souls through critical life events and major life changes such as divorce or break-up, grief and loss, career shifts or retirement, caring for a sick loved one, or significant health challenges and body changes.
I have taught over 200,000 students and worked privately with over 2000 clients. With a Master's Degree in Teaching, over 20 years experience in yoga & mindfulness, and a passion for neuroscience and brain & nervous system training, I provide a scientific and practical approach to personal growth teachings.
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